On Friday is was too nice to stay inside when we got home, so the kids and I went outside for a bit. Ayden loves playing with his chalk, and I figured Keleigh would enjoy some fresh air.
I decided to get my camera out (since I am now horiible at taking pictures!) I managed to get Ayden to sit down for a picture with his sister, and this is how it played out:
"No, Keleigh! You can't have my chalk!"
"Look at the camera, Keleigh!"
Keleigh thinking clapping to the side is way cuter...
And this is the best I got.
She crawls everywhere, and these dresses sometimes catch on her knees.
I was taking the pictures of keleigh, so of course he wanted in on the action!
This was his funny face.
I thought since I had photo prop in hand, I would write her name and take a picture. I had to edit it to get the blue really bold, so she looks a little orange.
After he was what was going on with Keleigh, he decided to write his name and have me take a picture. Sometimes he is too cute.