We took our annual Gibson family trip to the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo today. Unfortunately, two families couldn't make it, but we still had a great time. Ayden went last year, but since he was only about 6 months old, I don't think he got a whole lot out of it. This year was another story...

This was his reaction to the arena: We were some of the first ones there, and he was in awe of the jumbo trons on both ends. He kept looking from one to the other. Hilarious!
Sorry these next few pictures are small, but I forgot to change the size before uploading. I believe you can click on them to make them larger.

This was during the opening ceremony. He was enamored with all of the horses. This is what it looked like:

This was during the calf something or other. Not sure what it is called, but the cowboy rides out and attacks the calf by grabbing it around the neck while whipping its body around so that its back hits the ground. He's taking after me in this one; I don't like to watch. ;)

Not sure which even was going on here, but he thought it was interesting. Judging by where he is pointing, I am going to go with the calf roping.

This is the end. He was awesome during the whole rodeo. He behaved and actually paid attention a large majority of the time.
We also had an Ayden sitting in the row in front of us, though I'm not sure if the spelling was the same.
These were our attempts at a family photo. Someone who will not be named would not cooperate...
'Til next year!