Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 22, 2008

Semi Real Food

So I think he relates his high chair to his car seat....

Once we started he was good. Notice in the picture above his hands are free..

And now I am trying to stabilize...

He did pretty well. He was super tired, so only made it through half a container. He seems to be a natural...for now. He ate squash for about a week with no issues. We are trying the cereal now. And yes, I know I kind of did that backward, but I don't think straight much these days.

These are just for fun...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Playing catch up

So, we like to put Ayden in footed pajamas so he stays warm. He must have restless leg syndrome, because he moves his left leg CONSTANTLY! This particular pair of pjs have larger spaces in the legs, and he managed to work his way out...

As most of you know Ayden has large feet. And this he comes by honestly. I had to buy new socks the other day, so I got the 6-18 month pack. They fit just right, but again with his motor leg, this is what happens without shoes.

Ayden apparently has a thing for blonds. This was one morning before I left work work. I was trying to get his attention, but Julianne Hough was singing on the TV. Apparently she was more entertaining then me...

I will post more later as I don't want to over do it. He has eaten his first food! Whoo hoo!

Monday, December 08, 2008

4 Month Checkup

Ayden had his four month check up this morning. He started feeling bad Thursday evening, coughing and wheezing. When we went this morning I was told he had a little chest cold ear infection! Below is his very first bottle of Amoxilcillion. However, I remember it being pink. ;)

Here are his stats from the visit. He is 15 lbs 3 oz and 26.5 in long. He is in the 50th percentile for his head circumference, 55th for weight, and 90th for height. Something tells me he is going to take after his daddy!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Almost there...

Ayden is trying to roll over and is about 3/4 of the way there...Here is evidence.

I think it is just so cute.

He has also started playing with toys more. This "rabbit" (we think that is what it is) is one of his favorites because it makes a ton of various noises. On the way home from Tom Thumb the other night he fell asleep holding on to it.

As you can see he is wearing his London boggen Kramer got him on his way back home from Iraq. It is getting a little snug but he is sporting it till it doesn't fit at all anymore.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Drama of Motherhood

So today was not a very good day. Sad thing - it should have been a great day. It is Cole's third birthday and I was all excited about his party. Ayden, on the other hand, had other plans. We had issues this morning with his present. We had a Cars bag all prepared for his present, but when the time came to wrap it, the bag was no where to be found. (Good thing I guess - he had two other presents in the same bag) Then I realized the tool set I got him for his birthday didn't have a tool box. And of course a tool set can not have a tool box. So off to Wal-Mart Ayden and I go on the hunt for a tool box. After searching the toy isle for what seemed like eternity, I gave up and bought a Rubbermaid storage box with handles. I thought it was pretty clever, but Cole's dad had to keep pointing out I put his tools in Tupperware. The cuts all over my arm from tearing the tools out of their plastic packaging doesn't feel to hot, either.

So everything is going swell at the party until time for cake. Ayden then decides to through a wild eyed fit. I took him to Jennifer's bedroom to try to get him to go to sleep since he had only slept about 10 minutes the whole time he had been awake. Every time I thought I had him asleep, he would start screaming again. And I don't mean he was fussy crying. He was all out screaming. I couldn't figure out what was bothering him since he had just finished a bottle and I had just changed him. I finally got super frustrated and took him home where he continued to scream for another 45 mins to an hour at which point he fell asleep for a whopping 45 minutes. He did wake up in better spirits, however. He finally went back to sleep for about 3 hours and when he woke up, he was super gassy. I then realized he didn't burp very well the night before during his last bottle because we were at Cheddar's and it is difficult to burp a baby in a booth. So, the secret was out - poor guys was just gassy.

On to more pleasant news - I have a few pictures of his Thanksgiving outfit to post. He actually wore this yesterday, but he leaked out of his diaper during his morning nap and didn't get to wear it out of the house. He looked so cute, too!

The wet spot on the sheet is not pee, either - it's drool! He leaves a huge puddle every time he naps. He doesn't really have to be there long before the lake forms.

Tonight while Kendall was feeding him he decided to hold his bottle on his own. He has been trying to help for quite some time, but every time we take our hand away it would just fall out of his mouth. Well, he decided to be a big boy tonight and hold it himself. Once he saw me, he turned his head and the bottle came out of his mouth.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ayden celebrated his first Thanksgiving yesterday. He started the day off at Grandma's for lunch. Grandma thought it would be funny to tease poor Ayden with real food (he is still formula only for a few weeks). He didn't wear any festive clothes as we attempted to get a family photo; I hate to say I didn't help those out :( . He was in a great mood all morning long, just laughing and laughing. He went to Granny's for dinner and had a blast with all his aunts, cousins, and Great Grandma. Toward the end of the day I think he might be the only one who was still in a good mood since he wasn't able to gorge himself like everyone else! This morning I put him in his activity center that he got from Aunt Kim. He can hold his head up very well, but hasn't really been able to keep his upper body in an upright position. I put him in the seat to see if he was able to sit there yet, and success!
When he straightens his legs he touches the ground. I keep him in front of the piano since there is nothing he can hit himself with, and because when he just flails his arms the piano will play. It's really neat, actually. The different keys plays different types of music like jazz, classical, etc.

Ayden seems to know when he is being filmed. He is okay if you are just taking pictures, but if you try to get a video and he sees the camera, all hope is lost. So while I was at church yesterday Kendall got a bright idea. I said earlier Ayden was in a very good mood and we tried to get proof the whole morning. Kendall decided to lay him in his crib, turn the video on and leave it in the crib, then leave the room. The results are below.

I think it is so hilarious when he looks over and sees the camera, but I guess since no one is around it he assumes he is safe. He is such a talker! We are convinced he will be carrying on full conversations by the time he is 6 months old.

Check out the Baby Einstein post as I got the video to load. When I turned the DVD on this morning, he didn't like it. But he was also tired, so I am hoping that was it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Einsteins

Ayden received just about the entire set of these DVDs yesterday. Of course he is only old enough to watch about 4, I decided to give one a try to see what he thought of it. I chose Baby Beethoven. Personally, it isn't very appealing to an adult (at least not to me). Actually, kind of creepy! But I guess it does something for the little ones because he absolutely loved it! ...the first time. I set it to repeat, and I think he may have been a little overstimulated. But at least I got a partial load of dishes done!
Below is the video of him watching.

Monday, November 24, 2008

For good measure

Just because I love this one...He isn't even a month in this one. Boy he has changed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So it's been a while...

Apparently, I have a reader who is impatiently waiting for my next post. I have to be honest - not much has been going on in the past two weeks. Expect lots soon with Thanksgiving, though! Ayden almost attended his very first Mavs game last night, but Dad didn't think that would be too wise (good call, Dad! The special for the night were noise makers, and they did their job very effectivley). He has a pretty nifty Mavs outfit, but I am ashamed to say I did not get any pictures of him while he was in it. I will the next time though (Mavs play the Pacers Tuesday ;) ).

Ayden has begun attempts at holding his own bottle, though I think that may still be a ways off. He manages to get his hands on the bottle right, but he just isn't strong enough to hold it up himself. Since I feed him alone most of the time, again - no photos. Next time someone is here and he does it, I will definately get some proof.

Another small feat is he has discovered laughing. And I don't mean the small little coo we have been getting for some time now, but a guttoral laugh that actually cracks Kendall and me up. Yet he takes after me and is not always ticklish so he doesn't always do it. I did attempt to get video of this, but you will see he knows what the camera is. He sees it and no longer cooperates. I will post the video in another post so it doesn't mess wth the layout of this one.

Ayden got his first feel of the "beach" last week. H went to Kramer's and daddy let him play in the sand. The pups were fond of his feet...

We took a walk last week, too, and decided Bandit could come with us. When we got home, Ayden told me he didn't want to go inside, so we laid on a blanket for a little while. The blanket (thanks, Grandma!) is a bit larger than him, so he seems really small when laying on it.

Here is a picture from this morning...Plus some extras from the past simply because I don't have many new ones! It's amazing how much he has changed in such a short time...

This morning.

Cheesin' for the camera...he is good at it!

What up?

One of my favorites...

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Three months old!

Based on the calendar year, Ayden is 3 months old today. Everyone tells you how fast they grow up, but I don't think you really understand until they are doing it right in front of your eyes! I just have a couple of things to touch on. Friday night Ayden had his first "submerged" tub bath. I got in the tub with him and he got his bath without his seat. Here is my nudity disclaimer! He was a little apprehensive getting in. The water was a little warmer than he was used to. And yes, he peed on me. Shot a stream stright in the air! He's gonna kill me for this one day ... He enjoyed it very much. He actually threw a fit when we got him out. But it is too cold for him to hang out in the bathtub. In the past week or two Ayden has discovered his car seat toys. He has two of them, but he has taken a liking to the turtle. This toy has plastic keys dangling and he has somewhat figured out he can hit them and make noise. I took a video of this since a picture can't quite capture the moment, but you will notice he knows when the camera is on him. He stops doing what he is doing and just stares. Luckily, he went back to what he is doing.
The sound you hear about halfway through is his motor leg. I back the camera up so you can see his feet. He does this quite often and always when he is mad. I wanted to include a picture of his Old Man face. He's still adorable though!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Where is the cold?

Most of you know I prefer summer, but I still think it is crazy that November is still seeing super high temps! But hey, I don't mind! A few things to catch up on...

Being sports freaks, a few sports related tidbits. We of course did not watch the mauling of the Cowboys by the Giants, but we still had the gear on! I thought this picture was so adorable...

I think Kendall knew I was taking the picture, but it is still adorable.

Ayden had the opportunity to watch his very first official Mavericks game (he unfortunately did not have his new outfit yet) last Thursday. Just so happened his hero was on the screen when I took this picture. Honestly, I didn't do it on purpose!

Kendall loves the fact Monopoly cards are there, too. We were playing the new Electronic Banking version with Kramer. It is fun but takes a bit more time.

These next few are just for good measure since I really have nothing to tell. Been a fairly calm week...

Such a sweet face...

Then he wakes up looking like he his up to no good! Really, he is very pleasant when he wakes up. He needs to pass some of that on to me!

This was taken this morning. I had the happy go-lucky baby I normally do...that is until I stuck him in his car seat. The happy face went out the door! And then I had to go and put a hat on dare I! But he is just too adorable. Definitely has his daddy's eyes...

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween (a day late)

Too much has happened in the last two days!

Last night was Halloween. We took Ayden to my aunt's so he could get pictures done with Alex and Kenzie, but the force was not with him. We were able to get him in his costume, but he was not a happy camper. Apparently he thought he was hungry, though he had eaten about and hour and a half before. He also decided it was time for a new diaper, but he would wait to finish the job until Kendall had the diaper off. I have to admit - that was quite comical.

He had a few photo ops with the cousins (and Auntie Ninnie) and then he had to get out of his costume. I mean, seriously, 90 degrees on Halloween? Poor guy was sweating like crazy. We went to Valley View to hang out with Kramer and his crew. Their church was having a 'Trunk or Treat'. We had fun while we were there. We got to see many people we hadn't seen in a while. I do believe the entire town of Valley View decided to show up!

Family Foto Op at Trunk or Treat

Kendall, Ayden, Kramer and Brooklyn at the Fall Festival

Yoda and Mommy. Did Yoda have a mommy?

Frank Oz has nothing on him

Yesterday Keni and I went to Denton. For those of you that know me, I am not much of a cook. However, since Ayden was born I have been trying to make an effort to cook at home. We went in Bed Bath and Beyond and I could have spent a ton of money! The cool gadgets they had there are enough to make you want to cook really awesome things.

Tonight was the churchwide hayride. I thought it would be fun to take Ayden, but of course he would ride in the truck. It is too windy for a 3 month old to ride on a trailer. Poor little guy passed smooth out on the way and was done for the evening. So unfortunately no photo ops for him, but there were a couple of random ones.

Kramer and Me on the way back to the house. It was definitely colder than last night

Little conspirators...Cole has a sense when a camera is on him

Kendall roasting his weenie

I thought the leaves on this tree were really awesome. I had never actually seen a tree with brown and green leaves that I could recall. Apparently taking pictures of a tree at night in November means you have lost your mind. At least that was the consensus of the people giving me funny looks