Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Hooray for Spring!

Even though the temperatures have been dipping WAY too low for my taste at night and in the mornings, the afternoons are warming up quite nicely. Ayden woke up a few mornings ago when it was still cold, so I wrapped in him this blanket that was actually Kendall's when he was little. Kendall managed to get this picture of him after I left. He is watching "Wa-wi" (Little Einsteins). Notice the juice cup in the cup holder...

Yesterday afternoon I decided to take Ayden to play at the park. It wasn't too hot with the 80 mile per hour wind, so I thought it would be a great day. Papa and Kendall were even able to tag along.

Must be a guy thing? ;)

Ayden loves the slide, but for some reason he can't manage to figure out how to get himself started. So daddy to the rescue!

"Mama...there's something in this tunnel!"

"Wait, I think I know this thing!"

"Well, since you're here, mind giving me a push?"

Since we were going to the park, I decided I wanted to get Ayden his first sno cone. I didn't get any pictures of him eating his (which we shared), but he figured out fairly quickly daddy had one, too. Kendall even asked him if his was better than mine, to which Ayden shook his head no. Love my boy! For those who care, I had the new vanilla buttercream with cream - awesome!

All in all, we had a blast. I love that the little kid park is fenced in so I can let Ayden run around and not have to constantly chase after him. I am looking forward to taking him to the park lots this summer!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On Friday night we made the trip to see Grampa. We made it there kind of late (so I didn't have to watch the Master's - OK, not really) but we still had fun. I was able to take some great pictures of Ayden while Grampa was working on the pump to the pool outside. This little boy is cracking me up! He will either pose for a picture (like the first) or run straight at the camera yelling, "Cheese!"

I realize some of the photos are sideways, but I couldn't get them turned for some reason. But don't complain - at least I'm bloggin'! ;)
The rest are just cute pictures of the boy.

He decided Grammy doesn't do a good job of cleaning, so he grabbed a wipee and went to work!

And then he thought Grampa's feet were dirty, too. And yes, he has no pants or socks on but has his shoes on. He's a little on the different side...but I love him all the same! Maybe that is because I, too, am a little on the different side. Must be genetic. :)

Monday, April 05, 2010

Take me out to the...

Little league ball game. Cousin Alex had her very first softball game on Thursday so we headed out to Collinsville to cheer her on. And guess what happened? I forgot to charge my camera since I had accidentally left in plugged into the computer the night before. This was the only picture I was able to take. I think I might be OK with that! Unfortunate there were no pictures of Alex, but I will get some next time.
You can't tell, but he is wearing his Dallas Mavericks hat. He behaved so great at the game. He was actually really into it. He may get to go to more than one Rangers game this year!

Church Egg hunt

We had our church egg hunt the week before Easter (I know, I know... a bit slow, right?) Ayden was definitely more productive this year. Then again, he couldn't walk last year since he was only 7 months old.

He figured out the eggs go into the basket.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

A baseball egg! Yippee!

See egg in hand.

No more egg.

Absolutely love his face in this one. No clue what was going on, but a great picture none the less.

He has since had three more egg hunts, two of which I was able to get pictures (the other was daycare). I will get those posted in separate posts.