No, really. I woke up Sunday morning irritated because I had been awoken around 4:30 by the bright whiteness of the television. So I question Kendall as to why the TV was on. His answer: Bandit (our dog) woke him up barking at something in the yard. She doesn't randomly bark, so he always checks what it is when she does. She doesn't like things in her yard, so she will kill them. Squirrels and birds are her most common prizes.
Kendall then proceeds to tell me she had killed something. Then tells me it was an opossum (of course, he said possum). And it had a friend. Apparently Bandit killed one that came into the yard, and it's friend sat by the fence looking in the yard. Which was making her bark. So me, being the curious one, asks what he did with it. I find out he left it in the yard and it is near the back door. So I go look out a window...
And I notice breathing. I told Kendall that it was still alive and I saw it breathing, and he claims it was just the wind. I looked again, and sure enough, it was rhythmic breathing. Not the wind. Being the tree hugger I am, I told Kendall he had to get it out of the yard before Bandit DID kill it. So I got the camera and started taping. I'll preface with a few photos.
Ok, so video is not working. I'll try later.
Kendall left shortly after this to go to Braums. When he got back he went to check on the possum and it was gone. So for those keeping score:
Possum 1, Bandit 0.