Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ayden celebrated his first Thanksgiving yesterday. He started the day off at Grandma's for lunch. Grandma thought it would be funny to tease poor Ayden with real food (he is still formula only for a few weeks). He didn't wear any festive clothes as we attempted to get a family photo; I hate to say I didn't help those out :( . He was in a great mood all morning long, just laughing and laughing. He went to Granny's for dinner and had a blast with all his aunts, cousins, and Great Grandma. Toward the end of the day I think he might be the only one who was still in a good mood since he wasn't able to gorge himself like everyone else! This morning I put him in his activity center that he got from Aunt Kim. He can hold his head up very well, but hasn't really been able to keep his upper body in an upright position. I put him in the seat to see if he was able to sit there yet, and success!
When he straightens his legs he touches the ground. I keep him in front of the piano since there is nothing he can hit himself with, and because when he just flails his arms the piano will play. It's really neat, actually. The different keys plays different types of music like jazz, classical, etc.

Ayden seems to know when he is being filmed. He is okay if you are just taking pictures, but if you try to get a video and he sees the camera, all hope is lost. So while I was at church yesterday Kendall got a bright idea. I said earlier Ayden was in a very good mood and we tried to get proof the whole morning. Kendall decided to lay him in his crib, turn the video on and leave it in the crib, then leave the room. The results are below.

I think it is so hilarious when he looks over and sees the camera, but I guess since no one is around it he assumes he is safe. He is such a talker! We are convinced he will be carrying on full conversations by the time he is 6 months old.

Check out the Baby Einstein post as I got the video to load. When I turned the DVD on this morning, he didn't like it. But he was also tired, so I am hoping that was it.

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