Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Three months old!

Based on the calendar year, Ayden is 3 months old today. Everyone tells you how fast they grow up, but I don't think you really understand until they are doing it right in front of your eyes! I just have a couple of things to touch on. Friday night Ayden had his first "submerged" tub bath. I got in the tub with him and he got his bath without his seat. Here is my nudity disclaimer! He was a little apprehensive getting in. The water was a little warmer than he was used to. And yes, he peed on me. Shot a stream stright in the air! He's gonna kill me for this one day ... He enjoyed it very much. He actually threw a fit when we got him out. But it is too cold for him to hang out in the bathtub. In the past week or two Ayden has discovered his car seat toys. He has two of them, but he has taken a liking to the turtle. This toy has plastic keys dangling and he has somewhat figured out he can hit them and make noise. I took a video of this since a picture can't quite capture the moment, but you will notice he knows when the camera is on him. He stops doing what he is doing and just stares. Luckily, he went back to what he is doing.
The sound you hear about halfway through is his motor leg. I back the camera up so you can see his feet. He does this quite often and always when he is mad. I wanted to include a picture of his Old Man face. He's still adorable though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm was the nudity disclaimer for you or him.......